About Us

The OLLO testing platform offers Second Language Evaluation in Reading Comprehension, Written Expression and Oral Proficiency for the federal public service. Powered by the seasoned language experts at Local Language Training Inc., OLLO delivers authentic and reliable language assessments in both French and English, which are based on the Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC) language testing format.

Test of Reading Comprehension

The online Test of Reading Comprehension assesses your ability to understand texts written in your second official language.

Test of Written Expression

The online Test of Written Expression assesses your knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and other aspects of written expression that are necessary to perform writing tasks in work-related situations.

Oral Language Evaluation

The Oral Language Evaluation assesses your ability to communicate verbally in your official second language (French or English). A qualified language assessor administers this test virtually and provides a detailed progress report.

Contact us to book your assessment!